Sunday, September 6, 2009

And Our Hearts Forever Love Thee, Notre Dame

I'm at Notre Dame right now! I came up for the game yesterday, (we won, 35-0, against Nevada), and I'll be staying here til Tuesday. It's a little strange to be on campus without actually going to classes and doing homework and all that. It doesn't really feel like home right now, more like I'm just visiting. And it doesn't help that I can't swipe into my dorm, I don't get meals in the dining hall, and I don't have any flex points...and today I was sitting out on the quad and I felt like everybody who walked by could tell that I wasn't a real student. Maybe that's being a little overdramatic, but it IS weird:-) I don't really mind the not having work to do part, though. On Friday night I walked by the architecture building and saw a bunch of the current sophomores working on their projects. Normally, I'm on the inside of that situation, not outside looking in. It's quite a different perspective. I wanted to say, "it's Friday night! You should be out having fun!"...but that's what everybody is usually saying to me, and at those times I know that it's just not possible.

It's been great this weekend to be able to invest fully in the social aspects of college. And I've been able to visit some of my favorite places and do typical Notre Dame things--I've been to a football game, a candlelight dinner, reckers, I visited the grotto, I walked in the basilica but still need to go to mass there, and I combined a couple of my usual running routes this morning. Tonight I'll go to Vespers and Walsh mass, tomorrow I'll go to a 5:15 basilica mass, I've seen pretty much everyone I want to at least once, with plans to see a few more people tomorrow hopefully...I'm trying to soak in enough experiences to last me a year.

I do like it here. Alot of faithful Catholics have pretty much totally renounced the place and don't want anything to do with it, but I can't do that. I see all the good that's here too. It's beautiful. I know it's not perfect and there are alot of things that need to be changed, from big level things in the attitude of the administration, to small level things that happen on campus every weekend. But I take great comfort in the fact that it's still called "Notre Dame". I know Mary is watching over everything here. I think people sometimes forget what Notre Dame means when they're just talking about the school. I've been guilty of that as well...but every time we name it, we're claiming her as our mother and asking for her intercession. I trust that intercession completely. So Mary, Queen of Heaven, Notre Dame, pray for us!

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