Sunday, March 28, 2010

Papal Events: the first of many this week!

To explain the "many" in the title of this post, here's my schedule for Holy Week: I went to Palm Sunday mass this morning in St. Peter's Square, I'm going to Holy Thursday mass at St. John Lateran, the Good Friday service in St. Peter's Basilica, Stations of the Cross at the Colisseum on Friday night, and of course the Easter Vigil on Saturday night in St. Peter's. Papa Benedetto will be celebrating all of them!

And as if that weren't enough, I also went to a Papal Event last Thursday in St. Peter's Square. It had something to do with World Youth Day. We never quite figured out EXACTLY what it was for, but it was either a sort of send off for Italian youth going to Spain next summer, or a commemoration of the 10 year anniversary of when WYD was in Rome, or a commemoration of the 25 year anniversary of when Pope John Paul II started World Youth Day, or perhaps a combination of all those things. In any case, it was cool. It felt sort of like a rally before the Pope showed up--there were some dancing and singing performances, and lots of Italian youth cheering and holding signs and things. Once the programming started, they showed a lot of videos of Pope John Paul II, from when he announced the first World Youth Day, and from World Youth Day in Rome, I think. And then I remembered that lots of people I know had gone to that, and had stood in that same piazza I was in! We also got some cool free stuff--a hat, a handkerchief, and a candle. So it was a good time all around:-)

And this morning was Palm Sunday mass, also in the piazza. We got there fairly early and got good seats--pretty close to the aisle! While we were waiting for mass to start, we couldn't help but overhear some girls (Americans) who were talking loudly behind us. It was pretty clear they didn't entirely know what was going on--they were wondering if their friends who came earlier had actually gotten seats inside the church, for instance. So at first I was kind of annoyed...but then when mass started, and we all stood eagerly (on our chairs) to see the procession and get a glimpse of the Pope, I realized that that's probably what the first Palm Sunday was like too. The people who ran to the gates of Jerusalem probably didn't all know who Jesus was, they just saw everyone getting excited and knew that was the place to be. And if you're in Rome and have any Catholic knowledge at all, you know that St. Peter's, with the Pope, is the place to be for Holy Week masses. So it was just an authentic re-creation:-)

And actually, it did feel more authentic than usual. We were standing outside, and we really did get excited when the Pope came by. It was easy to imagine doing the same thing for Jesus, instead of the Pope. Picturing myself as part of that crowd from the Gospel leads to harder things, though, because we know the rest of that story--by the end of the week, the palms in their hands had turned to whips and the praise on their lips was mockery and condemnation. If I'm part of the Palm Sunday crowd, then I'm part of that crowd too. And of course I am; I'm a sinner. But I guess it just made me desire to offer the Lord authentic praise. To be able to worship Him as He deserves without later continuing to sin. I'm not at that point yet...but someday. It's also tempting to stand in the crowd and call out to Jesus to stop, to stay and spend time with us, instead of just passing by. But that's what Jesus rebuked Peter for once--for suggesting He do something other than the suffering He knew He had to. So we watch Jesus ride by. And now the stage is set for Holy Week--Jesus is here; our salvation is coming. Those were more of my thoughts during mass...:-)

And besides all that, it was a sweet mass. The weather was gorgeous, we got to hold olive branches, most of it was sung (including the long Passion Gospel--woohoo!) was good start to what looks like will be a very good Holy Week.

At the beginning of mass, there was a procession from the altar in front back to the obelisk, where the blessing of the palms and the first Gospel reading happened. Our seats were on the way, so I tried to get a good picture of the Pope...but as you can see, my timing was a little off. Luckily, they processed back up for the rest of mass, so I had another chance!

...which I screwed up again:-) But this one's a little better! And you can tell how close we were, anyway.

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