Tuesday, January 26, 2010

La Corsa di Miguel

Last weekend was the first I had spent entirely in Rome for awhile--it was nice! Saturday was very relaxing; I slept in and even had time to watch a movie in the afternoon. We watched Gladiator, because it's set in Rome, and well, we live in Rome...it was really cool, because it showed everything reconstructed and in use that we see in ruins now, like the Colosseum. And, it's an entertaining story. (I won't say good, because it's mostly about revenge...but it does have themes of self-sacrifice and courage, too. And like I said, it's entertaining).

Then, on Saturday afternoon I also found out about a 10K happening the next morning. My friend Evan had seen a poster for it while he was running earlier in the day. He decided to try to get a group together to do it, so 4 of us ended up journeying a little ways up north the next morning for the race. It was called "La Corsa di Miguel". The Miguel it's referring to is somebody named Miguel Sanchez. We looked him up on the website to try to find out why a race in Rome was named after him, but didn't have much luck. We learned that's he was an Argentinian runner born in the 1950s, but didn't see any connections to Italy...also, the English translation wasn't the best. It included great lines like, "His day was infinite. 
alarm clock with an apple, head coach, train, work, again
training, night school to complete those studies
who had not finished." So amusing, but not entirely informative.

Anyway, the race itself was good. We got a pre-race packet of things, typical of races like that, that included a long sleeve T-shirt, a poster...and a cookbook. Definitely the most random thing I've ever gotten from a race. But pretty awesome! Mine has recipes for "pane, pizze, e focacce." And it's even hardbacked, and in Italian so they're authentic recipes...I'm pretty excited about it:-)

The course was almost entirely flat, I felt pretty good while I was running and was able to finish strong, so it was an enjoyable run. My time was decent considering my training was minimal to non-existant...haha.

Well, that was the excitement of the weekend! Now it's back to another week of work. But really, life is still pretty relaxed right now, since we're still just getting in to the semester. I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Happy feast of St.s Timothy and Titus!

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