Saturday, October 10, 2009

La mia settimana

This post will probably not be as exciting as my last one, because I've had a pretty normal week. However, I wanted to blog today because I won't have a chance to for a little while--next week we're going on a class field trip and I'm not bringing my lappy. Plus, internet isn't free at most of the hotels we're staying in. I'm sure I'll have all kinds of cool stuff to write about when I get back from that, so get excited for the week after next...but for now, I'll try to come up with something interesting to say about each day of this past week. (I suppose this is a good exercise in finding the beauty in the ordinary...)

Monday--I wasn't as sore from Cinque Terre as I thought I'd be!

Tuesday--we did human figure gesture drawing in my "watercolor" class. If you know what that is then you know why it's an experience worth mentioning.

Wednesday--I met and talked with an Italian probably more than I ever had before...after noon mass I stayed in the church to pray a rosary, but ended up getting kicked out because it was siesta time. The guy who told me I had to go turned out to be walking in the same direction as I was, and we chatted a bit. By that I mean, he talked and I listened...he didn't speak much English and quickly figured out that while I can understand basic Italian, I can't say much of anything myself. But he turned out to be a philosophy student at a University pretty close to where our studio is, and told me that he has another American friend there who's in the same position as me--being able to understand but not speak Italian. And he was surprised that I was Catholic, because he didn't think many Americans were. I guess what he said isn't that important, just the fact that he was saying it in Italian, and I understood it all (mostly)!

Thursday--the lasagna we had for dinner was amazing.

Friday--we had a "mid-project" review for our urban reconstruction project. It's not really mid-project, because it's due the Thursday after we get back from break. Anyway, it went well! The professors liked our design for the most part (it's a group project), and we finally figured out our roofs successfully! They had been giving us quite a bit of trouble before. Also, this was the one month anniversary of our arrival in Rome:-)

Saturday--I bought a plane ticket to Egypt for a week in January! Also, in about an hour I'm going to leave to pray the rosary with the Pope! It's a special thing for university students, and the intention of the rosary is "Africa". A broad topic to pray for, so it's a good thing there will be a lot of us there.

Well, pray that we have safe travels next week!

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